Wednesday, April 15, 2009

32 years ago...

...I was born...

Yep, as of yesterday, April 14th, I am now 32! The wierd thing about it is that this is the age that I can remember my mom being. I can't remember her turning 30 or 31, but I can definitely remember her being 32. wierd, huh? Kind-of makes me feel a little old! I found my 2nd gray hair last week and pulled it out immediately..good thing I've got lots of blond now! Yesterday I was thinking over my life and felt so very grateful! God has blessed me with amazing parents, an awesome brother and sister-n-law, and not one, but TWO gorgeous sisters who I am so very proud of! Then He brought me my husband and his great family! God has given me such an amazing husband who becomes more dear to me as each day passes and then 3 little munchkins who are my rays of sunshine and complete my heart! Thank you God for all of your abundant blessings that you have put in my life, I know that in the big picture, they are all a GIFT from YOU!

My day, yesterday, was so great! My husband let me sleep in, which in my family is like gold! I was awakened before school with a FULL song of "Hark, the Herald Angels sing" by Benjamin, Luke and cousin, Jaxon! It wasn't the quiet christmas carol version, it was the loud, rock band version! I was laughing so hard that this was the song they chose to sing me! Ben said that they practiced a few different songs, and this was the one they stuck with! Then they filed over to the bed and handed me their birthday cards, complete with "happy Birthday, Mom" to "you're beautiful" to pictures of Jesus on the cross, being that it was just Easter! Then I went back to sleep and I got to sleep in til 9:45!!! I SOOOOO needed it! I drank my starbucks from hubby in bed, then walked out into a clean house to which my amazing husband had done that morning, plus he had taken the day off! I finished the day with lunch with my very best friend, freshberry with Ben and the kids, a suprise appointment at a spa for a massage, dinner at my favorite restaurant with Ben and then cake at home with mom and dad! After that I cried my eyes out watching "Marley and Me"...
what a great day!

Thank You, Ben, for such a special day! I love you!
um, can I do it again tomarrow;)....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aw yay!!!! sounds like he took a lesson from our dinner on easter night. I'm so happy that you got that. Marley and me oh boy! So sad. Love you