Saturday, March 28, 2009

The fight is on...

Today, we woke up to the heaviest snow I have seen in a long time. It was awesome! So beautiful! And it snowed ALL DAY LONG!!! Even though I am so ready for spring, it was nice to finally have some snow to play in , not just ice!
So the boys decided to have a snow fight...
(Benjamin in yellow, Luke in black)
Luke pounding Benjamin in the face with snow...

Benjamin retaliating...

"What are those crazy boys doing?"
Here we go again...

"You're goin down , Luke"

Benjamin, smacked in the face with a wad of snow AGAIN...

" Oh Yeah..."

"Wait, where'd he come from?"

"Take that suckah..."

Now, it's dad's turn...

Right in the face...
Dad doing a roll down the yard...

right into Benjamin...

making sure he was ok.....(look at Luke taking it all in...)

Luke attacking dad for "hurting" Benjamin...
Luke is very protective of his brother
when he sincerely thinks he is hurt!
He just tackles the other person who "supposedly did the hurting!
There are many sweet friends who can attest to this!

"Wait, weren't you just protecting me?"
"I'm done!"
I wonder who thinks he won this fight?
After the snow fights and all was calm again,
Ben and the boys settled into making a snowman!
In the end, the boys were all cozy inside,
soaked to the core, while Ben finished it!
He was very proud!
Good work, daddy!
Even Mr. Potato head lended a hand...
Happy Spring to ya!!!

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