Ella is now 2 1/2+ years old..
I can't believe how much she has grown and changed!
She is so much fun and she loves target!!
She loves to shop for clothes and tells me
"that's so cute!"
She tries on my heels all the time and loves bows...
She's had her first official pedicure with mommy
and thought she was big stuff!!
yet, she'll still go dig for rolly pollies with the boys...
We just love her to pieces!!

how she endures the baseball games...
hello kitty bag and gatorade!

so grown up!

loves the empty dug outs!

playing with friend Eden!

I think that she's had too much popcorn at this point!

deciding to try out Ava Kate's gear before hand!
she asks me every morning if
"Aba Date's coming out today?"
She is already her little sister's biggest fan!!
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