For Mother's Day this year,
we drove up to Missouri to see Ben's family.
We had alot of fun being able to see and spend time with everyone!
Getting ready to leave,
Ella trying on her new raincoat from papa and gigi,
because of course, it was raining, AGAIN,
and it won't stop. EVER.

Once, we got there, Benjamin decided to climb a tree...

but...he got stuck trying to get down!
His knee was wedged in there pretty tight..
(he wouldn't look at me!)

daddy to the rescue!

Needless to say, he didn't climb anymore!
Now, if it would have been Luke,
it would have been a different story!
I couldn't tell you how many times Luke JUMPED out of this tree!

Everyone wanted to climb on the fences...

It's amazing how you can get everyone to look when you say,
"Hey, what's that cow doin?"

Benjamin and Khiyanne

Ella found a new way home...

The kids were NOT interested in taking pictures!

Group shot...

Khiyanne, Benjamin and Luke...

Khiyanne found a catepillar...
Luke was pretty impressed that "a girl" would hold it!

My boys...

the "hug your brother" shot

the "kissy-kissy"shot
this was so funny to see Luke teasing Benjamin
with those pink, pouty lips!
Benjamin was havin none of that, though!

Ella and Joan playing the piano

typical men, lunch was obviously over and it was time to nap!

Ella started puckering up herself!

Khiyanne LOVES to flip her hair, and she does it alot
so Ben decided to capture it...

pure girl!

Isn't she gorgeous, though!

The boys love spending time with her!

she's coming this summer to visit, we can't wait!
And I'm holding her mom to it!!
I forget nothin!

later on, we ran into this guy,
he was harmless at first...

then he started making really loud "turkey sounds"
and flappin all around and comin towards us,
they move pretty fast, ya know...
I about peed my pants!
I was outta there, with a bunch of laughter following me!

crazy, crazy missouri turkey...
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