Wow, I can't believe it has been soooo long
since I have updated the blog!!!
Aghhh! We have been crazy busy!
Here is a little of what we've been up too,
and here is how the lack of blogging started....
We decided to rip out the carpet
and tile downstairs and lay real hardwoods!
Was a great idea and in the end they are absolutely gorgeous,
but it was a LOOONNGGG process...(about 2 months!!!!)
especially if your husband is a pilot,
without alot of time,
who wanted to do the whole thing by himself,
no matter what I said!
So all our furniture was in our garage
and our computer was shut down for a while,
only to find out it wouldn't turn back on ever again!
RIP dear computer.....
Our tiled entry way...well it
was tiled at one time!

The finished great!
(after a little help in the end,
because the wifey was about to go insane ...
but he did the majority of installing and finishing it!)
How do you take pretty pictures of your floor?
Have no idea!

But I tell ya, we've been busy...
hiding...(sorry for the toilet shot)
and finding....

watching my beautiful sister, Ashley,marry her best friend!

attempting a family pic...
and yes, we were ALL in the wedding!

carving some pumpkins...

becoming an army soldier (again!),
being queen bee, and playin some football...

deciding whether or not we even want to take pictures...

havin some snacks with bubba...

tryin on all our bows...
(Benjamin's idea!)

celebrating Luke's birthday at school
with birthday hugs from Mrs Ophoff!

Sharing all his birthday donuts!

November 13...Happy 6th Birthday buddy!!!

saying goodbye to our beloved Pastor and dear family friend
Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty

But celebrating his life in the most amazing
memorial service I have ever been too!
(thank you to whoever took this pic!)
We were down front so I didn't realize the
magnitude of people who were there!

December 12- celebrating Ella Bella's 2nd Birthday!

doing some dancin moves...

maybe a karate kick or too...

playing some basketball....

trying to take christmas pictures,
getting mad at bubba...

making some silly faces....

finally getting some good ones....

and wishing you all a very Happy and blessed New Year!