A little of the story...This time last year, we were in the middle of an ice storm and had no electricity! It was tuesday, Ben had just met his mom in Joplin to borrow a generator! I was schedule to be induced on Thursday. I had been praying that since this was my last baby, that I would go into labor on my own to see what that "felt like". The boys were both induced. In the middle of the night, I started having contractions and boy did they come on fast and REALLY strong! We jumped in the car, met my parents in the driveway, sped through town, passed a cop, reminded myself to breathe, squeeled into the circle drive at the hospital, forgot to turn off the car, waited for the slowest elevator ever, then waited some more at the admitting window with the slowest nurse ever, raced back to a room, stripped and thrown on the bed, still trying to remind myself to breath, checked by a not so gentle graduate nurse and heard" she's an 8", watched my husband LEAVE the room to go and move the car, stuck with a needle, was pleading for my already paid epidural, saw a nurse gowning up for delivery, was relieved to see my doctor run in obviously just out of his comfy bed at the hospital since he was living there due to the ice storm, saw my mom and sisters run in to watch, was still pleading with Ben and the nurses for my epidural, heard" it's too late for your epidural", relunctanly agreed to take stadol which was not in the room, felt alot of "fire" if you get my drift, didn't even need to push, she was coming anyway ...then my sweet baby girl that I had SO prayed for was before me in a matter of maybe 5 minutes..
Born at 3:41am!
And then the not so friendly nurse came in with the stadol...are you kidding me?!!!
Yep this is how it went! From door to baby, 23 minutes! Alot more graphics, but I won't go there! It was so fast! I guess God answered my prayers about seeing what "labor" felt like! But I should have added to that prayer for no pain, and less chaos! To Ben, it was all a blur! He was just thankful that we left when we did and he didn't have to deliver a baby!
But it was all worth it! Ella is the sweetest little girl! God, thank you for her! She completes our family and we love her dearly! Happy Birthday, sweet baby!