Sunday, December 14, 2008
Happy Birthday, Ella Bella!

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Happy 5th Birthday Luke!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008
I'll tip my hat to ya...
Happy Boo to you!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Some fun time in the park...

At least they thought it was funny...

Monday, October 20, 2008
Glitter Pumpkins...

So several of you have asked me about the "glitter pumpkins" and how to do them, so I figured I would blog about it instead of emailing! Actually, Martha Stewart gets the credit, not me! First of all, they make a great teachers gift! Since our school doesn't celebrate Halloween, we try to improvise! We used to do this for friends, family and neighbors also, but 20 pumpkins later I was covered head to toe in glitter and it was ALL OVER my house, so now we stick to just the teachers and their assistants! This year I only had 3 to do! I try to use "Fallish" glitter colors of red, gold and green, but you can really do whatever. My favorite is the red and the gold. When I add green to the mix, it starts looking a bit like christmas! Mixing the glitter is pretty too. All you do is spead elmers glue with a paintbrush all over 1/2 of the pumpkin and then pour the glitter over that half, then let dry. Then come back and put glue on the other half, then cover that side in glitter. After that dries, I put dabs of glue where you can see the pumpkin and then recover with glitter. You can either leave the stems their natural color or you can paint them green, I have done both and either way looks great! Then I wrap in celephane, tie with a ribbon and add a " Happy Fall" card...So easy to do and so simple! Last year I went fancy smancy with the decorative ribbon and fancy cards, then Benjamin said that it looked "girly", so I will have to save the fancy stuff for Ella Grace's teachers, then I can go all out! Well as much as you can with a pumpkin~